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Sunday, 2 October 2016

kolej matrikulasi pulau pinang, kepala batas- gambar kenangan di lokasi terpilih


bagi menghilangkan kecuriousan adik-adik berkenaan matrik penang dan mengimbau kenangan hakak abang senior kat matrik penang ni, saya sertakan gambar di lokasi-lokasi terpilih sekitar Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang. kecuriousan pun boleh.

cerita bilik TV
terletak di aras paling bawah setiap blog. banyak nyamuk. tv satu siaran iaitu rtm atau tv3 sahaja. bilik tv ada peraturan  tak boleh tidur, tak boleh bawak makanan dan minuman, ada la lagi peraturan dia tapi setiap kali orang pertama kali masuk situ mesti takkan ternampak senarai peraturan kat tepi tu .lol.. dh tu apa lagi, minuman confirm bawak pastu ada pulak yang acacah study pegi overnight kat situ siap bwk bantal selimut lagi. hahaha.. btw, masa ni kami ada projek science computer. nampak rajin bukan :p

bilik TV

cerita library
dua tingkat. library dia wajib pakai baju tebal sebab cuaca di dalam library KMPP adalah musim salji. hahaha. semua pelajar merasa punyalah masuk library ni sebab budak account exam dalam library, pastu yang ambil science computer ada saja kelas dalam library and yang paling penting online quiz dengan berapa juta attempt yang anda mahu perlu dilaksanakan dalam library ni. sebab library sahajalah yang ada wifi laju. dataran tempat pelajar berhimpun tu boleh la dapat internet, depan dia je.

kelas dalam library.sojuk ceq

library..maaflah samar-samar.huhu
k ni haa perpustakaannyer

cerita cafe KMPP
cafe A dan cafe B (blok prempuan) , cafe C (blok lelaki), Cafe D(dekat dengan dewan kuliah), Cafe LakeView (ada monkey bar jugak tepi tasik ni utk abam sado workout kut), Cafe dpn library(famous dengan chicken chop dia).
 mana-mana cafe lelaki atau perempuan boleh masuk. tapi bagi cafe A dan B boleh masa pagi je.. malam lelaki dilarang masuk. macamtu juga perempuan dilarang masuk Cafe C pada waktu malam.
tapi hat yang siang tu dengar cerita dak-dak lelaki sampai mengamuk pelajar perempuan habiskan makanan kat Cafe C. hahahahahaha.. berdekah.. maaflah bro. orang perempuan mana tak juara makanan. lagipun Cafe C lebih murah berbanding Cafe A.huhu
*dengar cerita dapat pujian dari wakil kakom matriks lain yang makanan KMPP!
cafe tepi tasik. kami panggil LAKE VIEW aka LV
selain nasi campur, nasi ayam, nasi kerabu, kuih-muih jemput-jemput,nasi lemak...dan banyak lagi. kalau order jus dia blend depan kita lagi. kalau dia tak busy dia akan hantar kat meja. mesra n baik staff kat cafe ni.
makanan kat sini paling sedap sekali antara semua cafe.dan bersih. dan penuh dengan manusia.hahaha

cafeB-malam-malam jual kueyteow , masakan panas dan burger. siang nasi campur lauk macam-macam sampai pening nak pilih. sini jugaklah lokasi dinamika kitorang dimana pensyarah bagi markah berdasarkan etika kita ketika makan. dapat makan free chickenchop, icecream, air, roti :)
cafe depan library..nama apatah -.-   kalau datang sini mesti cuba chickenchop dia ok. affordable. *thumbs up*    tapi masa ni kami berbuka puasa satu praktikum

cerita dewan KMPP

dewan al-farabi. sini la koko,sini la pertandingan,sini la  talk, sini la Guiness Book of Malaysian Record.
dewan kuliah 1.. jap 1 ke 2 ? lupa dah. lol. tapi masa ni ada raudhatul iman setiap jumaat masa org laki gi solat jumaat.

cerita makmal
makmal fizik, makmal biology, makmal kimia, makmal komputer...........

chemistry laboratory

kelas bi dalam makmal komputer
ruang legar makmal komputer

kawasan depan pejabat hal ehwal pelajar ni tempat pelajar berpusu-pusu nak tengok result keluar. semangat je semua pelajar sampai berlanggar bahu bdan semua semata-mata nak tengok result cepat-cepat. empat rata ke tidok?! hahahaha
selain tu, nak cerita yang kat bangunan yang sama jugak ada balai cerap.. balai cerap ni dikawal rapi oleh unit atasan so pelajar yang nak masuk pn kena dengan pengawasan pihak mereka dan cuma boleh melawat bila diorang buat hari lawatan sahaja. sebab ni balai cerap yang sebenar k. bukan balai cerap yang untuk dieksperimenkan oleh pelajar. cerap tu apa? loooor, cerap bulan bintang planet tu lah aka teropong bulan bintang planet. haa..

pejabat hal ehwal pelajar- shiqin mau pindah! sob2 #ceritaLAMA.

maaf entri kali ni banyak pakai data korang akibat lambakan gambar lama >-,<
harap memberi inspirasi kepada yang membaca.
maaf juga kalau lebih jelas yang selfie welfie berbanding permandangan lokasi.haha
lain-lain aktiviti saya kongsi dalam entri lain ya! #peace

Saturday, 27 February 2016

interview & tips. (1st trial-TESL)


here's a story begin when once upon a time.......

out of nowhere i recieved an offer letter for an interview of foundation in TESL at uitm Shah Alam.
hehe. The interview consists of two sections, one writing test (it is the same as spm's English paper which cosists of comprehension and essay writing questions) and two is oral test (interview).
For the interview, it is an individual interview. First, you'll be asked to introduce youself. The interviewer won't tell you how and what are you going to tell about yourself. At this point, you can simply tell them basic introduction of your identity (eg: name,age,where're you from.....etc.). Once you stop talking, the interviewer will start to ask the questions of their own(non fixed,common,and predictable questions). Usually the interviewer will ask you based on the introduction you've presented. The main things they would love to see is on how you talk,respond,and express your answers. In the case of your introduction is too short, the interviewer might ask you based on the current issues that  can be in the form of movies, news, trends etc. 

while in the turns of waiting outside the interview room.

credit to this entry is the tips shared and should be spread because it came from a true story.


~                      yesterday I've interviewed 4 candidates for 2 posts of Assistant Quantity Surveyor in my company. All were fresh graduates without any working experience. these were the candidates summary:

candidate 1: University Teknologi Mara (UIiTM) : CGPA 2.72
candidate 2: University Malaya : CGPA 3.55
candidate 3: INTI International University and Colleges : CGPA 2.97
candidate 4: University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) : CGPA 3.41

candidate2 and candidate4 came from the best university (UM) and the 3rd best university (UTM) in Malaysia. Came with outstanding CGPA of 3.55 and 3.41. They brought in all the "sijil dekan" and "sijil kecemerlangan". I asked 10 questions to each candidates but they could only answer 3 out of 10 questions. They have no self confidence and the 1st impression was really bad. They were not showing enthusiasm and interest on the job. They fail to elucidate how their skills match the job. What surprised me; they were inattentive, looking around and fidgeting. And one of the candidates arrived LATE (overslept)!
candidate 1 and 3 from UiTM (ranked 7 in  Malaysia) and INTI International University and College (not even in top 10 Malaysia).they obtained low CGPA of 2.72 and 2.79. No dean list, no sijil kecemerlangan BUT they managed to answer 8 out of 10 questions. The spoken English was super duper great, they have self-confidence, they really understand about their scope of works as quantity surveyor. The 1st impression was great and presentable. And they have goodleadership qualities in their CV's leading a few events during university life.
And I hired candidate1 and 3 & rejected candidate 2 and4. As an employer:
1. I am not looking for "scorer" with high CGPA in my company
2. I dont care which University you came from whether the best university in Malaysia or thr=e worst university in Malaysia
4. I am not looking for book smart but I prefer street smart that could help my company to make money
5. I am looking for someoe with the ability to take charge, to vlounteer for tasks, and to accept accountability for achieving the required results of those tasks given
6. I am looking for someone who can work in a team NOT just sitting infront of you a table and do your own work.
7. I am looking for someone with the ability to set priorities, to seperate the relevant from the irrelevant tasks, and then to concentrate single-mindedly until the job in=s complete
8. If I can have candidate with good CGPA, good attitude, presentable and got all the x-factor, then it is a bonus for my company to have them in

Sr Dr Md Azree
#copy from Sr Dr Md Azree